Pastoral Care
At Wildmoor Heath School, we offer the highest quality of pastoral care for our learners. We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive school, where every learner is valued, protected and nurtured. We have a wonderful school environment, with a large school field, Sensory Garden, an outdoor learning garden and immediate access onto the vast woodland of Wildmoor Heath. Every member of staff is committed to supporting the emotional health and well-being of all our children and their families. Our learners need to feel safe, happy, valued and respected to achieve their full potential. Our commitment to achieving this runs through all strands of school life:-
Our school values are encapsulated in our motto, REACH for The Stars, and are Respect, Empathy, Aspirations, Courage and Honesty. All our pupils know and uphold our values, and we award values stickers to those who demonstrate them.
In our curriculum, there is an emphasis on PSHE – Personal, Social, Health Education – including circle time in class where children can talk about social issues at school.
Our Relationships and Health Education (RHE) allows children to learn about the importance and diversity of human relationships in modern society, together with the changes children experience as they develop;
Pupil voice is an important aspect of life at Wildmoor Heath. We have an active School Council where children learn to discuss issues and talk about ways to improve their school. Classes develop their Class Charter together and school leaders are keen to conference with pupils to hear their views and to receive the results of pupil questionnaires;
We teach, uphold and practise the British values of Democracy, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance and the Rule of Law. This enables children to grow up with a strong awareness of British values which is an important part of their pastoral development. We have many opportunities for pupils to practise democracy (annual elections using real ballot boxes etc.)
We have several positions of responsibility including Head Girl, Head Boy and School Ambassadors. These are roles that the children assume with pride, and they enjoy learning valuable life skills.
The use of restorative practice by all staff ensures that children feel listened to and that they have a chance to give their side of things even when they are in the wrong. Children are encouraged to take responsibility and to be part of the fixing process in matters of their behaviour. When things are not going well, we think it’s important that children are able to talk about it.
Throughout school life, we are always looking for opportunities to check that children are feeling positive and enjoying school. We offer a wide range of extracurricular activities to give all children a chance to shine. Our Inclusion Team - Mrs MacManus (SENDco) and Mrs Thurgood (ELSA) - are always on hand to work with groups or individuals who may need extra support at school.
All learners have the opportunity to enjoy classes outside and to spend time in our Forest Schools area. Each year group spends dedicated time out at our neighbouring nature reserve – Wildmoor Heath - a 99-hectare lowland heath site which has a rich habitat for wildlife, including several rare species of birds.
We offer many opportunities for personal development, based around The Wildmoor Discovery List. This includes many experiences which develop the social, moral, spiritual and cultural education of our pupils. We build our learners’ cultural capital with residential trips, theatre visits, sporting competitions and more.
If you have any concern, however small, regarding the welfare of a child please contact:
Mrs Vincent – Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs MacManus - SENDCo and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Joseph - Senior Teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Other organisations that may be helpful: