Pupil Responsibilities
School Council
At the start of the year, children from each class decided if they wanted to stand for School Council. Within each class, children voted for one boy and one girl to represent their class. The School Council representatives meet with the Headteacher to discuss ways to improve the school.
Head Girl and Boy
At the start of the academic year applications are written, interviews held, and appointments made. These positions come with great responsibility as the Head Girl and Boy will represent the school, often at external events, and may host VIP visitors to the school.
Year 6 Ambassadors
The role of Ambassador is awarded to those learners who represent the school by supporting both staff and children. Ambassadors are given specific roles each term. This is an important role where children can develop their self-confidence and leadership skills.
House Captains
House Captains are chosen to represent and lead their house in house events and to encourage children from all classes to strive for house points. House Captains share the weekly and termly house point totals in celebration assemblies. House Captains help to lead Sports Day in the summer.