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Wildmoor Heath Primary School

SEND & Inclusion

Wildmoor Heath is an inclusive school, where all pupils are treated equally and given equal access to the full curriculum and our extended range of educational opportunities. Our mission is to provide all our young learners with a strong foundation of values, knowledge and skills. We want them to feel supported, inspired to achieve their best, fully prepared for each key stage and the wider world.

We strive to develop, cultivate and maintain good working relationships with all learners and their families; believing that parents are the experts on their child. By working together we can ensure that all pupils reach their full potential. We recognise that every child is unique and has different needs, even with similar diagnoses.

The information contained in our ‘SEND Information Report’ document below is designed to inform and support parents, carers and young people to understand how we manage Inclusion (SEND) in our school. It should be read in conjunction with our SEND Policy. The GLT SEND Policy, which applies across all schools in GLT, can be found here

To view the Bracknell Forest's SEND Local Offer and for further information about the services available locally, please visit the Bracknell Forest Family Information Directory and SEND Local Offer websites. 

Our Inclusion (SEND) Policy, SEND Information Report and Local Offer is reviewed annually and outcomes for pupils with SEND are monitored by the schools’ Local Governing Body. 

Our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) is Mrs Colette MacManus, who can be contacted on 01344 772034 or via email

Please visit our policies page to download the latest policies.

Click here to view the GLT Equalities website page and policy.