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Wildmoor Heath Primary School

School Offering

Wildmoor Heath School Offering
We are a fully inclusive school where every child has access to a broad, balanced and motivating curriculum, tailored to our pupils’ needs through our six curriculum drivers: Wellbeing, Creativity, Community, Communication, Environment and Opportunities. At this school, every child will:
  • Receive an excellent education in a holistic, aspirational school; our academic results exceed national outcomes in all phases; we prepare children fully for secondary and beyond.
  • Develop a core set of life values, based on our motto, ‘Reach for the Stars’, which are Respect, Empathy, Aspirations, Courage and Honesty.
  • Benefit from an excellent start to school life, where our Reception team work with families to ensure a happy transition. Our indoor and outdoor environments are places of discovery, adventure and learning. All pupils access our full school grounds plus The Haven.
  • Celebrate difference and learn to appreciate that everyone is unique and valued. Our curriculum includes visits to places of worship such as an Islamic mosque and a Sikh Gurdwara.
  • Learn the importance of democracy, tolerance, individual rights, the rule of law, whilst holding positions of responsibility and thriving in their own nurturing school environment.
  • Participate in exciting visits to develop their cultural capital, including the Natural History Museum, Winchester Planetarium and Windsor Castle.
  • Receive professional sports tuition for rugby, football, cricket, tennis and netball, participate in competitive events, learn to swim competently and apply skills widely.
  • Learn two modern foreign languages, French and Spanish.
  • Learn a musical instrument in class lessons plus the opportunity to play in a rock band and join our successful choir, performing at local venues.
  • Experience the performing arts: annual recitals to parents, performance of a play, singing assemblies, a London theatre trip, annual professional pantomimes, visiting authors, etc.
  • Attend three residential trips, culminating with a challenging outdoor week in Snowdonia National Park, where wider skills of resilience and teamwork are fostered.
  • Enjoy a wealth of enrichment clubs and activities. 
  • Access The Great Outdoors and learn important skills through timetabled outdoor learning sessions in the Haven (Forest Schools teacher), treks on Wildmoor Heath nature reserve, plus a programme of adventurous activities with partner Wellington College.
  • Learn how to stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally. As part of this, every child will have cookery sessions, including lessons with professional chefs - planning, preparing and eating delicious meals from fresh raw ingredients.
  • Study significant local, national and global issues, participating in key initiatives. The school is a Plastics Free School and fundraises actively for local, national and international causes.