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Wildmoor Heath Primary School

The Sensory Garden

At Wildmoor Heath, work began in early March 2021 on a new sensory garden.  At the edge of the school field, the new natural garden provides stimulation of the senses in a calming safe space.  Visitors can go through a willow arch to follow a spiral path, touching and smelling plants along the way (we even have edible plants).

A series of benches are set in the garden including one placed under the shade of a mighty oak tree where visitors can sit and listen to birdsong. Our Year 6 learners have planted a herb bed and an apple tree and are enjoying the responsibility of helping to look after the garden under the direction of Mrs Thurgood (school ELSA). 

Our Reception class enjoy spending time in the garden at lunchtimes and enjoy the many swathes of uncut grasses.Early Spring

The area is flourishing; we are delighted to see more birds and insects in the garden.  Work is continuing to include a stumpery and wild flower bed.