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Wildmoor Heath Primary School


Wildmoor Heath School requires pupils to wear school uniform. We believe that a school uniform provides a sense of belonging and identity whilst setting an appropriate tone for an education setting. 

In developing our school uniform we have carefully considered what is required practically for classroom lessons or for sport, safeguarding and health and safety considerations, and our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and we have taken account of the wishes of parents and pupils.

We have also considered the cost implications for families and different groups of pupils and sought best value - we have minimised the number of branded items so that parents have a choice of where they can shop, and we will avoid frequent uniform changes so that clothes can be passed on. We also offer second hand uniform for a small donation fee to ensure that families have low cost options.  

If you have any questions about our uniform, or are struggling through financial hardship, please contact us on 01344 772034 and we can support you. 

The official school colours are burgundy and sky blue. PE kit is navy and sky blue. 

Our uniform expectations are detailed below.

Please ensure all clothing is clearly marked with your child's name.

 Uniform for boys:

 Uniform for girls:

  • Sky blue shirt/polo shirt
  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • Burgundy sweatshirt or fleece
  • Grey socks
  • Black shoes
  • Sky blue blouse/polo shirt
  • Grey trousers, shorts or skirt
  • Burgundy sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece
  • Grey socks or tights
  • Black shoes
  • In the summer term, a blue and white checked summer dress and white socks

Indoor PE:

  • Navy loose shorts
  • Sky blue T-shirt

Outdoor PE:

  • Sky blue t-shirt
  • Trainers
  • Plain navy blue jogging bottoms
  • Plain navy hoodie/sweatshirt
  • Spare socks

Additional Items:

  • Gumshield & shinpads (for Key Stage 2 hockey lessons)
  • Swimming costume & swimming hat (for Year 3 swimming lessons)

Please note that hair needs to be tied back and earrings need to be removed for PE lessons. Tape cannot be used to cover earrings.

Hair and Jewellery:

  • Hair should be tied back with a hairband in school colours (blue or burgundy).
  • Claw hair grips, ribbons or bows should not be worn.
  • The only jewellery that can be worn are small stud earrings.
  • No jewellery or other items should be worn on the wrists, ankles or necks.

Playtime/lunchtime/outdoor learning:

  • Wellies or Trainers 
  • Waterproof trousers and jacket (or all in one)

 Due to the locker size, small rucksacks must be used.

 All school uniform and bags, can be ordered from PMG Schoolwear.

 You can order by calling: 01895 809 321 or through their website: